Kodak, Ricoh, and Nikon manufacture built-in GPS support cameras, e.g. Nikon D200. With the help of programs such as RoboGeo(unregisted versions introduce 1km mismatch; Win only), GPSPhotoLinker(free; Mac only) and Jetphoto Studio(free geocoding for the first 100 photos; Win, Mac & Uni), it's possible to geocode digital photos that were taken with almost any model of digital cameras. By matching the date and time of the digital photos' EXIF and GPS logs, the software syncronizes latitude and longitude into digital photos' EXIF allowing photos to be displayed on Google earth/map or Flickr. Richard Akerman's geocoding photos lists all kinds of software for geocoding with different OS and other useful information.
I purchased a stand-alone track recording GPS WBT-100, NT2990 from Wintecronics Ltd., which can record 25360 points of date, time, latitude, longitude and altitude. The advantage of WBT-100 are: there are four log mode settings (set a certain time or distance log one time or auto log data referring to degree or speed) to make the data recording more flexible. The unit includes a G-Tool program which transfers point records into different formats such as google earth(kmz), GPX and OziExplorer etc. for downstream applications. With a build-in compass, WBT-100 has Compass/GPS inter-calibration feature that makes accurate NMEA-output for GPS. Bluetooth with USB socket enables WBT-100's multi application capacities such as navigation, track recording, and direction indicator(Specifications). However, 25360 points of storage capacity is only good for 3.5 days (10 hr/day) by default setting (5 sec. log per). More over, the data can only be retreived by CP210x USB to UART Bridge Controller and G-Tool installed PC which makes it almost impossible for travellers who travel more than 4 days to download data before the overwrite takes place; not to mention the G-Tool has no function to locate photos with GPS tracking. WBT-100 is an upgradable GPS receiver. I am hoping the storage capacity and the accuracy of GPS info will be upgraded.
Sony's newest GPS receiver Sony GPS-CS1 on the other hand, can record data up to one month (15sec. log one time for 10 hours per day). Softwares GPSImageTracker and Picture Motion Browser, allow users to geocode digital photos and show them on an online map. Even thought the software has no function to convert log data into other formats such as Google earth, the log files can still be converted by GPS Babel (free) then create maps and profiles from GPS data (tracks and waypoints), street addresses, or simple coordinates on Google earth/map via GPS Visualizer, a free, easy-to-use online utility. However,with a fixed logged mode setting, not being upgradable and having a single functional design(it can't be used as a GPS receiver for PPC/Notebook navigation etc.) makes the Sony GPS less desirable.
Richard has an essay about the Sony GPS-CS1 in which SIRF start III chiped GPS receivers were compared with Sony GPS-CS1.

I took a train to Hualien for a vacation and visited Taroko National Park during my stay. My tracks were recorded with a WBT-100 and then converted to google earth via G-tool. Google maps were created via GPS Visualizer and photos were geocoded with Jetphoto Studio. You'll have to install Google Earth to open the kmz files.
Traveling by train : from Tainan to Hualien
Google Earth; Google Map
Traveling in Hualien: Photos and tracks
Google Earth; Google Map
(Due to the storage capacity, photos in Google map were removed and links to filckr on pics 5, 6, 8, 11, 14, 16, 18, 19, 21, 22, 23, 25, 26 and 27 were added.)